Velicham Ramadan Quiz 2022
Important Details at a Glance
Topic |
Surah Al-An’am |
Format |
3 Weekly Quizzes & a Grand finale |
Weekly Questions Posted |
April 8, 15, and 22 |
Weekly Deadline to answer |
April 10, 17, and 24 |
Weekly Result Date |
April 11, 18, and 25 |
Weekly Prize |
50$ |
Grand Finale |
Saturday, May 14th, @12noon ET |
Grand Prizes (Top three) |
250$, 150$, 100$ |
Click to view Week 3 Questions
Click to view Week 2 Answer Key
Click to view Week 2 Questions
Click to view Week 1 Answer Key
Click to view Week 1 Questions
Click to read Sample Questions
Generic Rules
Participation and Eligibility
Who can participate in this quiz?
Anyone living in North America is eligible for the mentioned prizes. Others may participate, but prizes are not guaranteed.
How can I register for this quiz?
There is no separate registration form. The link to the questions will be posted on this website and social media.
You can also join our WhatsApp group to receive timely alerts/notifications on question release and submission deadlines.
Quiz language
What is the language of the quiz?
The quiz is in English. You can type some answers in Arabic. Transliteration of Arabic words is also acceptable.
Judging and Prize Details
What are the grading guidelines?
Questions are graded for correctness and accuracy.
- If the answer is correct as well as accurate, then full marks will be given for that question.
- If the answer is partially correct or if more than the required detail is provided, only a partial mark will be given.
- If the answer is wrong, no marks will be given
What are the other judging criteria?
- Winner for each weekly quiz will be announced on the following Monday
- One person cannot win more than one Weekly Prize.
- The Grand Prize will be decided through a live quiz from among the top scorers of all the Weekly Quizzes combined.
What are the prizes?
Weekly Prize |
50$ |
Grand Prizes (Top three) |
250$, 150$, 100$ |
Quiz Topic & Format
What will the quiz be about?
The quiz is based on Surah Al-An’am.
How do I participate in the Quiz?
We will publish the Questions Weekly, in sha Allah.
You will have to furnish your contact details, then proceed to answer the questions based on the portion being covered that week. ( for eg:- Week 1: 60 Ayahs, Week 2: 61-120..etc)
When will the questions be made available?
Questions are released weekly. The expected dates are April 8th, April 15th and April 22nd, in sha Allah.
Where can I access the quiz questions and submit the answers?
Week 1 Questions - Available between 8th April and 10th April
Week 2 Questions - Available between 15th April and 17th April
Week 3 Questions - Available between 22nd April and 24th April
How much time do I get to submit the answers?
To be eligible for weekly prizes, you have to submit the answers by that week’s deadline .
When will the result and prize be announced?
Weekly Prizes: The result will be announced on April 11th, April 18th and April 25th.
Grand prize will be decided in a live event the first weekend after Ramadan.
What will happen if two or more persons get the same score?
Whoever submits the answers first will be given preference. If required, tiebreakers will be used to decide the overall winners.
I couldn’t participate in one week, can I participate in the others?
You can participate in the other weeks. Your entry will be considered for all submissions you did within the allotted time.
I missed the submission deadline, can I still submit my answers?
You can submit your answers. There is no guarantee that your submission will be considered for the weekly prize.
Reference Materials
Do you recommend any translation or software?
http://tanzil.net/#6:1 contains translations in different languages and by different persons.
https://www.quran.com/6 and https://quranhive.com/surah/6/ are other useful websites.
For detailed tafseer, refer:
I don’t have time to read, is there audio available?
http://tanzil.net has an option to play the audio of the translation. You can select your favorite Qari as well as the translation you want to listen to. For this, click on the tools icon near the recitation selector on the left.
https://quranicaudio.com/section/6 also has a collection of recitations with translations. There is no option to play verse by verse..
and Thafheemul Quran also has an audio menu, you can listen to the explanation in Malayalam.
Are there any mobile apps?
https://quran.com/apps have links to mobile apps
You can also check following link for Malayalam apps:
Contact details
If I have more doubts, whom do I contact?
You can contact the organizers at VelichamNA@gmail.com or Whatsapp to +1-786-708-7555